Course 634 204 Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Substances 


(Second Semester, Academic Year 2010)

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Course description

 Medicines, medicinal and pharmaceutical substances; the origin, fundamental consideration and requirements, medicinal and pharmaceutical substances of mineral origins, biochemical genesis of medicinal and pharmaceutical substances, the animal-, plant-, and microbial-derived drugs and related substances, and radioisotope in pharmacy.



Type of course

Core subject (basic professional subject) for Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy (International Program)


 The course is designed to give students an overview of various sources of pharmaceutical and medicinal substances. Various natural sources (the plant and animal kingdoms, the minerals, and the micro-organisms) as well as the biochemical and biosynthesis of natural compounds will be the focus of this course. In addition, this course will give a basic knowledge in quality control of natural products and the introduction to radioisotope in pharmacy. Upon passing this course, the students are expected to have a general knowledge on different sources of drugs used both in traditional and modern medicines. Students should be able to integrate what they have learnt from this course with other related advanced courses, and to apply the knowledge gained in their professional practices in the future.

 This course consists of 45 hour lectures, 14 laboratories (3 hours for each), and a two-day field trip. Different instructors will be assigned to teach each topic. Learning/teaching activities will depend on each individual instructor. The schedules set up for lecture and laboratory are as follows.

Lecture: Wednesday 13.00-16.00 (Room 2326, Pharmacy Building 2)

Laboratory: Wednesday 9.00-12.00 (Laboratory for Pharmaceutical Botany and

 Pharmacognosy (First floor, Pharmacy Building 2) 

The field trip, which will be counted as part of the laboratory section, is scheduled for January 14-16, 2011. Students will be arranged to visit Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Herbal Park (Rayong), Khao Kheow Open Zoo and Bangsan Aquarium Centre (Chonburi).The experience gained from this excursion will give students a real view of various sources of medicines. (Schedule may be changed in case of time conflict).

Students have to pay for their own meals and accommodation but transportation will be provided free. All participants in this field trip must seek approval from their guardians.


The examination for the lecture and laboratory sections will be given twice (midterm and final) according to the university schedules. The midterm examination (lecture part) will cover topic 1 (Introduction: Medicines, medicinal and pharmaceutical substances) to topic 6 (Plant drugs and related substances from ferns, gymnosperms and lower plants). The midterm examination (laboratory part) will cover from laboratory 1 to laboratory 4.2 (details will be announced). All the rest will be included in the final examination.


Lecture part (Total 225 points)


Lecture part

Total hours


Midterm examination

Topic 1 -

Topic 6.1



Final examination

Topic 6.2 -

Topic 8




Laboratory part (Total 70 points)


Laboratory part




Midterm examination

Topic 1 -

Topic 5.1



Final examination

Topic 5.2 -

Topic 6





The lecture part will be calculated as 225 points (based on one-hour lecture per 5 points), while the laboratories section will be 70 points (based on one laboratory session per 5 points). Another 5 points will be evaluated based on class attention and field trip assignment. The sum of 300 points will be changed to percentages. The final letter grades will be assigned according to the following criteria.

Higher than 80.0% grade A

75.0%-79.9% grade B+

70.0%-74.9% grade B

65.0%-69.9% grade C+

60.0%-64.9% grade C

55.0%-59.9%  grade D+

50.0%-54.9% grade D

Lower than 50% grade F


Minimum laboratory attendance required: 11 laboratories (out of 14); Students who fail to meet the minimum laboratory attendance will not be allowed to take the final examination and have to repeat the whole course.

Course co-ordinator:

 Dr.Tanit Padumanonda 


Skill Level: Beginner