Research paradigms in education and science education; Research methodology, design, and methods of quantitative and qualitative researches in education and science education; Types, construction, and quality evaluation of research instrument in science education; Techniques, method of data analysis, and report writing of research in science education; Principles and techniques for educational measurement and evaluation, construction and use of educational measurement and evaluation instruments; Moral and ethics in science education. Authentic assessment, Portfolio and performance assessment, formative and summative evaluation, applying evaluation results for improvement of learning activities and curriculum, research theories, research design, inquiry and research for development of learning activity process, use of research procedures for solving problems, classroom research, designing of research, preparing research proposals, research practicing, preparing research report, research quality evaluation, and research presenting.
- อ.ดร.นิวัฒน์ ศรีสวัสดิ์: ผศ.นิวัฒน์ ศรีสวัสดิ์