KKU e-Learning
DT132404 :: ทันตกรรมบดเคี้ยว
Course data
Perspective of occlusal harmony, Alignment and Occlusion of the dentition
Handout Perspective of occlusal harmony, Alignment and Occlusion of the dentition
Note taking 2558
Mechanics of mandibular movements
Powerpoint "Mandibular movements (2564)"
Note taking ชั้นปี 2558
Chapter 4 (Okeson)
คลิปสอน Mandibular movements
Determinants of occlusal morphology
PowerPoint "Determination of occlusal morphology 2564
Note taking ชั้นปี 2558
Video clip ตอนที่ 1
Video clip ตอนที่ 2
Video clip ตอนที่ 3
โมเดลแผ่นใสอธิบายผลของ anterior/posterior guidance
โมเดลแผ่นใสอธิบายผลของ condyle-tooth distance
Centric relation and its significance
Note taking 2558
Recording the retruded contact position- a review of clinical techniques
Dynamic occlusion
Handout Centric relation and its significance
Centric relation and its significance handout 63
Criteria for optimum function occlusion and occlusal stability
Note taking ชั้นปี 2558
Chapter 5 Okeson
คลิปสอน Criteria for optimum occlusion
Types of occlusion
Handout Types of Occlusion
Note taking 2558
Handout Concepts of occlusion
Handout Concepts of Occlusion
Note taking 2558
Examination of occlusion and differential diagnosis
Handout Examination of occlusion and differential diagnosis
Note taking 2558
Trauma from occlusion
PowerPoint "Trauma from Occlusion 2561"
Note taking ชั้นปี 2558
คลิปสอน Trauma from occlusion
Types of articulators, facebow and clinical appiications
Handout Types of articulators, facebow and clinical appiications
Note taking 2558 part1
Note taking 2558 part2
How to do a facebow transfer
How to mount upper and lower cast
Whip mix articulator manual
Hanau Spring-bow articulator manual
Occlusal adjustment, occlusal equilibration, selective grinding
Handout Occlusal adjustment, occlusal equilibration, selective grinding
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DT132404 :: Occlusion
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Health Sciences
DT132404 :: Occlusion
Tóm tắt
DT132404 :: ทันตกรรมบดเคี้ยว
รศ.จรินทร์ ปภังกรกิจ
รศ.อาริยา รัตนทองคำ
ผศ.สุพรรณิการ์ เรืองศรี
Skill Level