Course Content
- Start Date: 13/11/23
- Category: ภาควิชาชีวเคมี
- Announcements
- Course coordinator/Lecturer: Dr. Kamonpan Sanachai...
- Course Schedule 2/67
- Evaluation criteria & Term project
- Proposal format
- Proposal submission;
- Introduction to computational biochemistry of protein slide
- What is a Protein?
- 2.Enzyme structure, catalysis and mechanism_KS
- How Enzymes Work
- Chimera User's Guide, accessed on 19 Nov, 2023;&nb...
- Assignments Submission;
- 3.Structural bioinformatics
- From DNA to protein - 3D
- Protein sequence analysis slide
- Assignments Submission;
- Protein structure prediction Slide
- Homology modelling using SWISS-MODEL web server
- Assignment submission;
- Protein-Target interactions Slide
- Protein-Target interactions-Ep2 Slide
- A basic introduction to drugs, drug targets, and molecular interactions
- Bioinformatics: Swissdock Protein Ligand Docking
- PubChem, ZINC, DrugBank databases for compounds
- Input and Output files;
- Assignments Submission;
- Advanced topic in protein-ligand interaction Slide
- Advanced topic in protein-ligand interaction-Ep2
- Allylic Carbocyclic Inhibitors Covalently Bind Glycoside Hydrolases
- Fragment-Based Dynamic Combinatorial Chemistry for Identification of Selective α‑Glucosidase Inhibitors
- Inhibition of Enzyme at allosteric site
- Fragment-based drug design tries to build a drug into a pocket
- Protein engineering and design Slide
- Protein engineering and design-Ep2 Slide
- 5 challenges we could solve by designing new proteins | David Baker
- Protein Engineering Technology
- I-Tasser Software for Predicting Protein's Structure and Function
- Assignments Submission;
- Input and Output files;
- Protein evolution Slide
- Adventures on the Routes of Protein Evolution—In Memoriam Dan Salah Tawfik (1955–2021)
- Introduction to
- Using NCBI to build phylogenetic trees
- MD simulations Slide
- Molecular dynamics simulation of the interaction of food proteins with small molecules
- Molecular Dynamics Analysis of Binding Sites of Epidermal GrowthFactor Receptor Kinase Inhibitors
- An Introduction to Molecular Dynamics-1
- An Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulation-2
- MD Teaching Clip
- Protein dynamics and disease Slide
- The protein folding problem: a major conundrum of science
- Protein Folding
- Active Cage Mechanism of Chaperonin-Assisted Protein Folding Demonstrated at Single-Molecule Level
- Bioinformatics approaches to discovering food derived bioactive peptides
- Current methods and applications in computational protein design for food industry
- Bioinformatics: new tools and applications in life science and personalized medicine
- In Silico Protein Analysis of Phoenix dactylifera (Date Palm) by a Bioinformatics Approach
- Virtual screening and molecular dynamics simulation study of plant-derived compounds to identify potential inhibitors of main protease from SARS-CoV-2
- Assignments Submission;
- Term project submission;
- Term project Slide Submission; https://f...